
Compàirteachas Dhun-Èideann

Thèid an làrach-lìn seo a glèidheadh leis a' Chompàirteachas Dhùn-Èideann, gus do chumail fiosrach air gach taobh an t-saoghal Gàidhlig Dhùn-Èideann.

Se còmhlan buidhnean agus pearsachan air leth aig a bheil ùidh anns an àm ri teachd aig an t-saoghal Gàidhlig Dhùn-Èideann a th' annainn. Se stiùireadh air leasachadh agus air toirt gu buil a' Phlana Gàidhlig Dhùn-Èideann a' phrìomh ghnothach againn.

Taobh a-steach a' chompairteachais, tha buidheann-ghnìomha a dh'obraicheas gus an t-saoghal Gàidhlig Dhun-Èideann a taiceadh agus a leasachadh. Nì a' bhuidheann seo conaltradh ris a h-uile ball ann an iomadach dòigh. Am measg seo tha Foram bliadhnail cudromach gach Samhain.

Cuiridh am Compàirteachas fàilte air buill ùra - neach air leth, neo buidhnean, agus tha buannachdan mòra ann am ballrachd. A bharrachd air seo, tha sinn a' lorg buidhnean-compàirt aig a bheil ùidh a thoirt sùil air co-bhuannachdan a' chompàirteachas còmhla rinne.

Is urrainn dhut a chur ceist agus fios thugaiann tro iomadachdh meadhan.

Cò th' annainn

Naturally, the Partnership includes the Edinburgh Gaelic community itself. However the Partnership is wider than this, and includes those who are in a position to benefit from a thriving Gaelic scene in Edinburgh.

Edinburgh is an amazing, exhilarating city that is culturally diverse and steeped in heritage. Gaelic is central to all of this, and represents opportunities for mutual benefit involving all of our partners.

The Edinburgh Gaelic Partnership was established in 2006, both in response to community calls for support for Gaelic, and as a consequence of the Gaelic Act.

We are constantly seeking additional partners to benefit from and contribute to culturally rich Gaelic Edinburgh.

Buidhnean a' Chompàirteachas

Edinburgh Gaelic Community 
                          logo The Edinburgh Gaelic Community (Coimhearsnachd Ghàidhlig Dhùn Èideann)
The City of Edinburgh Council 
                          logo The City of Edinburgh Council
Bothan logo Bothan
Comann nam Pàrant logo Comann nam Pàrant
Fèis Dhun Èideann logo Fèis Dhun Èideann
The Scottish Arts Council logo The Scottish Arts Council
Visit Scotland logo Visit Scotland
Scottish Enterprise logo Scottish Enterprise
Edinburgh's Telford College 
                          logo Edinburgh's Telford College
Comunn na Gàidhlig logo Comunn na Gàidhlig
Bòrd na Gàidhlig logo Bòrd na Gàidhlig

Ciamar a dh' obraicheas sinn

An appointed executive body consisting of up to ten members meets regularly. Its main functions are to oversee progress with the City of Edinburgh Council's Gaelic plan, to provide support for partner organisations and to liase with national bodies. Representatives from partner organisations are invited to meetings or contacted outside of these meetings as appropriate.

The executive aims to involve all who are interested in its work through reports to members via partner organisations, through this website, through a membership database currently being drawn up, and through an annual partnership forum.

Am fòram bliadhnail againn

The Partnership has undertaken to hold a forum annually to inform all members and the Gaelic community of progress and future plans. For a number of years, the Edinburgh Gaelic Community has already been holding an open public forum in November. The Partnership has requested that its forum can be integrated with the community event.

This community forum is a major event with key invited speakers, that has taken place each year since 2006. The 2009 events will take place on Saturday 5th December at the Scottish Storytelling Centre on the Royal Mile from 2 - 4.30 pm, with a Gaelic-Arts event and the opportunity to meet other over lunch from 12 noon. This year's theme is "Air Adhart Còmhla" (Forward Together) examining how we can establish links with other local and national bodies with whom we share common aims.

A full programme will be available in November. All with an interest in Gaelic are welcome. Please register for this event by e-mailing

Ballrachd agus coimpàiteachas

You can sign up for membership of the Edinburgh Gaelic Partnership by e-mailing That way you or your members will be able to receive news directly of any announcements or events. We also produce a number of regular newsletter for you to choose from.

Individual membership

Individuals are welcome to join. Membership is free and can be terminated at any time. Simply send details of you e-mail address and other contact details you wish us to retain.

Group membership

We are keen to have as many groups as possible on our membership database. Membership is be appropriate for any group having some connection to the Gaelic arts, and will be mutually beneficial.

New partners

We are also seeking further partners who would be interested in involvement in extending the role of Gaelic in their areas, even to a small extent. This is particularly true in areas where Gaelic doesn't yet have a major presence.